Want to know what 88% of the best precision rifle competitors trust for their match ammo? We analyzed the rifle powder the top 200 PRS shooters are loading in their match ammo, and the results were overwhelming. After a dramatic shift in powder preference over the last decade, is your go-to powder still the best choice for long-range? Click to find out which powders are the best for long-range precision.
Read More »What The Pros Use: Precision Rifle Calibers & Cartridges
Dive into the “What The Pros Use” 2024 Edition, where we uncover the latest trends in precision rifle gear among the top-ranked shooters in the Precision Rifle Series. Discover the shift in preferred calibers and cartridges that are defining the competitive edge in long-range shooting. From the continued supremacy of 6mm cartridges to the intriguing shift towards 25 calibers, see what the pros are using to win at the highest levels.
Read More »NF ELR Calibers & Cartridges – What The Pros Use
Over the past few weeks, I surveyed over 100 shooters who competed in this year’s Nightforce Extended Long Range Steel Challenge in Wyoming. I know a lot of you had questions about calibers, scopes and other gear guys were using, so I put together a survey, and the match director, Scott Satterlee, sent it to all the competitors. Over 100 shooters completed the survey, including 85% of the guys who finished in the top 25 overall. Thanks to all the guys who took the time to share. One of the fun things about the NF ELR match is it has ...
Read More »Mark’s 18-Shot Bullet Jump Challenge!
Are you one of those guys who has been reading this series of posts on bullet jump, and thinking to yourself, “Well, my 0.020” bullet jump sure seems to be working fine. Doubt this would be any improvement over what I’ve already got!” This is the post for you! As Mark started sharing some of his bullet jump findings with a few shooters, he met some skepticism – even from sponsored shooters on his Short Action Customs team. Here is how Mark tells one of those stories: “After we’d already done most of this bullet research, we had Solomon from ...
Read More »More Bullet Jump Research!
This post shares more of Mark Gordon’s research on bullet jump, which is very interesting, original research – and has everyone talking! This post looks at research data on the Hornady’s 6.5mm 147 gr. ELD-M and Tubb’s 6mm 115 gr. DTAC RBT bullets. Check it out!
Read More »How Fast Does A Barrel Erode?
This article focuses on how quickly the lands of a rifle barrel usually erode, especially for mid-sized cartridges that are popular in precision rifle matches. It also explains how many shooters try to manage their seating depth and bullet jump over the life of the barrel. These are topics don't seem to get much attention and are rarely discussed in any comprehensive format, so hopefully it provides some useful information and tips. The article also poses some questions that might make us rethink priorities when it comes to managing bullet jump, at least when applying the concepts to some specific shooting disciplines where you might fire 100-200 rounds over the course of a weekend.
Read More »6×47 and 6.5×47 Lapua Load Data – What The Pros Use
This article contains detailed reloading data for the 6x47 Lapua and 6.5x47 Lapua based on a survey of over 150 of the top-ranked precision rifle competitors. See what the best long range shooters in the country are reloading in their match ammo!
Read More »Rifle Caliber – What The Pros Use
Welcome to “What The Pros Use” 2018 Edition! I recently surveyed the top ranked shooters in both the Precision Rifle Series (PRS) and the National Rifle League (NRL) to learn what gear they’re running in long range rifle matches. These guys represent the best precision rifle shooters in the country, and over the next several posts I’ll be publishing the results. Learn more about the PRS & NRL. Most Popular Rifle Caliber I can remember a time when there was a battle between which caliber was most popular: 6mm or 6.5mm? That battle appears to be decisively won at this ...
Read More »Long-Range Calibers & Cartridges: What The Pros Use
I recently surveyed the top 100+ shooters in the Precision Rifle Series (PRS), and this post reviews the calibers and cartridges those guys are running this year. For those of you who may not be familiar with the PRS, it’s an organization that tracks how top competitors place in major rifle matches across the country. PRS matches are tactical/practical long-range rifle matches shot in the field conditions. Typical ranges for steel targets are from 300 to 1200 yards, and they are engaged from prone and improvised positions, often under extreme time pressure. It is one of the fastest growing shooting ...
Read More »Powder Temp Stability: Hodgdon Extreme vs. IMR Enduron
The goal of this field test was to quantify the temperature stability of the popular Hodgdon H4350 and Varget powders and compare those to IMR’s new Enduron line of powders. To do this we carefully measured muzzle velocities of meticulously loaded ammo over a huge range of temperatures. This test was conducted by Patrick Middlebrook. Patrick is passionate about the art of precision rifles. He’s a great shooter who has competed in numerous local matches, and several national PRS matches. He is also a 5-star handloader. I’ve learned a ton from him! Patrick has become a good friend of mine (Cal, ...
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