I recently weighed 153 pieces of once-fired Remington 223 brass that had all been full-length resized, trimmed to length, deburred, primer pockets uniformed, and neck turned. Here is the resulting data: Average = 90.8 grains Standard Deviation = 0.71 grains Average Deviation = 0.53 grains (average of the absolute deviations of the data points from the mean … 0.53gr actually isn’t that bad) Variance = 0.51 Extreme Spread = 4.0 grains Extreme Spread as % of total weight = 4% (this is significant) All data was gathered using a RCBS ChargeMaster 1500 Powder Scale, which is accurate to +- 1/10 grain and was calibrated ...
Read More »Hornady .224 Caliber 55gr V-MAX Bullets Weight Variance
Although some people claim the bearing surface of a bullet (the sides of the bullet that touch the rifling as it travels down the barrel) has more impact on a bullets flight, variations in weight also have an impact although the degree of impact is up for debate. We can all agree that a 35gr bullet would fly much differently than a 80gr bullet shot out of the same rifle. But is does a 54.8gr bullet fly noticeably different than a 55.3gr bullet? Regardless of whether there is a measureable difference based strictly on bullet weight, I believe the weight of the bullet is strongly correlated to the bearing surface. To ...
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