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Suppressors & Muzzle Brakes

These are all the posts related to rifle suppressors and muzzle brakes.

Muzzle Brakes: Sound Test

Muzzle Brake Sound Test

I thought about these muzzle brake tests for over a year before I started this field test. We all know one of the biggest downsides of a muzzle brake is how loud they are. If you’ve shot more than a couple of these, you know some are much louder than others. So I naturally wanted to quantify how loud each model was, but it turns out that is much more complex than it may seem. Steve Adelmann (one of my favorite gun writers) explains the issues involved in quantifying the sound signature of a firearm: “When you compare decibel measurements ...

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Muzzle Brakes: Ability To Stay On Target

Best Muzzle Brake For Staying On Target

One important aspect of a muzzle brake is helping the rifle stay on target. In fact, I was discussing this muzzle brake test with David Tubb, a very accomplished rifleman, and he is convinced the ability to stay on target was the most important aspect of a muzzle brake. He thought a few percentage points difference in recoil reduction may not make a huge difference (or help you get more hits), but a brake that can keep you on target can be a big advantage. Staying on target not only allows quick follow-up shots, but more importantly for precision shooting, ...

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Muzzle Brakes: Recoil Reduction Results Summary

Best Muzzle Brakes

This post provides a comprehensive view of the muzzle brake recoil reduction data gathered on all 4 rifles. You can dive deeper into the recoil data in these posts: How The Data Was Collected 6mm & 6.5mm Recoil Results 308 & 300 Mag Recoil Results To recap, here is a look at the 4 cartridges and rifles used for the recoil tests: First, let’s look at how the recoil signature of each rifle was affected. The graphic below shows the amount of recoil force over time for each rifle, which was directly measured at the butt of the rifle. Each ...

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Muzzle Brakes: Recoil Results for 308 & 300 Magnum

308 Muzzle Brake & 300 Mag Muzzle Brake

This post summarizes the results for the recoil tests ran on 20+ muzzle brakes using two 30 caliber test rifles: the 308 Win and the monster 300 Norma Magnum. The recoil data was collected using high-speed, high-resolution force sensors. For more info on the test equipment and how the data was gathered, please see the recoil post. Here is the full line-up of muzzle brakes, and you can read more about each in this post. How to Read the Results As we discussed in the recoil post, when someone claims a product “reduces recoil by 50%” … it usually isn’t ...

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Muzzle Brakes: Recoil Results for 6mm & 6.5mm

6mm 6.5mm Muzzle Brake Rifle Recoil Results

This post summarizes the results for the recoil tests ran on 20+ muzzle brakes using 6mm and 6.5mm test rifles. To see the full line-up of muzzle brakes tested, check out this post. The recoil data was collected using high-speed, high-resolution force sensors. For more info on the test equipment and how the data was gathered, please see the previous post. How to Read the Results As we discussed in the last post, when someone claims a product “reduces recoil by 50%” … it usually isn’t clear what they’re talking about. Unfortunately, there is no industry standard for measuring recoil, ...

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Muzzle Brakes: Recoil Primer, Test Equipment & Rifles

Rifle Recoil Test Setup

This post provides a primer on recoil, and then explains how I measured recoil, including the approach and specific equipment used. It also reviews the rifles and cartridges tested. What do we mean by recoil? I’ve read a thick stack of articles and white papers on this subject, and suffice to say we can get pretty deep in the weeds if we weren’t careful. But, I’m going to try to keep it simple and on point. For our purpose, recoil is the rearward kick we feel when we fire a rifle. I’m less interested in the esoteric mathematics-based models (although ...

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Muzzle Brakes: Field Test Overview & Line-Up

Muzzle Brakes

This is the first post in a series that will cover the results from an epic muzzle brake field test. This represents an unprecedented, data-driven approach to evaluating the best precision rifle muzzle brakes on the market. Hundreds of hours have gone into this research, and the tests I conducted are built on advice and feedback from some of the most respected experts in the industry. This included leading manufacturers, top shooters, gunsmiths, mechanical engineers, university faculty, and defense contractors who have done similar work for the military. Thanks to all the guys that helped me with this! I tested ...

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Better, Smaller, Lighter: The New ThunderBeast Suppressors

ThunderBeast has been the most popular rifle suppressor among the top 50 shooters in the Precision Rifle Series for the past 3 years in a row (see the data). In fact, of the shooters who suppressed their rifles, 1 in 3 chose a ThunderBeast can this past year. Thunder Beast Arms Corporation (TBAC) was founded and is ran by practical/tactical rifle competitors obsessed with long-range accuracy. Many believe they make the best precision rifle suppressors money can buy. A couple weeks ago at SHOW Show, Zak Smith showed me their new and improved line of products. They’ve completely redesigned their line of 30 ...

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Best Suppressors & Muzzle Brakes – What The Pros Use

Alright, let’s get back to the PRS data. This post reviews the rifles suppressors and muzzle brakes the best precision rifle shooters were using in 2014. The data is based on a survey of the top 50 shooters in the Precision Rifle Series (PRS). The PRS tracks how top competitors place in major rifle matches across the country. These are the major leagues of sniper-style competitions, with targets typically in the 300-1000 yard range. This is the 3rd year we’ve collected this data. For more info on the Precision Rifle Series and who these guys are scroll to the bottom ...

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Best Muzzle Brakes and Suppressors – What The Pros Use 2013

This post is about the suppressors and muzzle brakes the best precision rifle shooters are using. It is based on what the top 50 long-range shooters nationwide brought with them to the Precision Rifle Series (PRS) Finale a couple weeks ago. For more info on who these guys are, and why you should care what they think scroll to the bottom of this article. Update: These are results from the 2013 PRS Season. The data for 2014 is also published. Click here to view the results from 2014. Suppressor or Muzzle Brake? The chart below shows whether the shooters at the finale ran ...

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