In 2020, I wrote a series of articles that attempt to explain a few really important statistics concepts in a way that was practical and applicable for shooters that aren’t math nerds. I literally spent several months crafting those articles, because I’ve recognized that most shooters are making decisions based on a very limited understanding and sometimes on invalid data. Venturing beyond “average” and “extreme spread” will lead to better decisions.
I had read books related to this topic (because I am a math nerd), but I also read a thick stack of white papers and other sources on the subject as part of my research. My over-arching goal was to make the topic approachable by non-engineers or even those who have an uncomfortable relationship with math. So while I found a lot of good information in these articles, I had to transform or reword some of it to attempt to provide a cohesive perspective that didn’t go over most people’s heads. Making it approachable while not abandoning technical accuracy proved to be an extremely difficult challenge – one I might not attempt again if I would have known how many hours I eventually spent on that endeavor. 😉
In most of my writings, I prefer to quote several experts on a matter, rather than explain everything from my first-hand perspective. This series was no different. My goal is to provide my readers with a balanced perspective by citing expertise from disparate sources. I put a lot of effort into trying to ensure I always cite my references appropriately. As an author, I know first-hand how frustrating it can be for someone to pass on something you wrote without giving you the appropriate credit – so I am very sensitive to that. While I tried to carefully cite any direct quotes directly in the articles, I wanted to also provide a comprehensive bibliography of the various sources I studied when crafting the content for that series of articles on “Statistics for Shooters.”
If you’re interested in learning more on this topic, I’d encourage you to check these out. I put a couple of the sources in bold that it seemed like I referenced the most.
Works Cited
Bookstaber, D., McMillan, C., & Wollschlaeger, D. (n.d.). Multiple Articles: What is Precision, Precision Models, Describing Precision, & Fliers. Retrieved from
Bramwell, D. (n.d.). The Perverse Nature of Standard Deviation. Retrieved from
Engleman. (n.d.). Statistics for Rifle Shooters. Retrieved from
Gilovich, Dr. T. (1991). How We Know What Isn’t So: The Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life. New York, NY: Free Press.
Grace-Martin, K. (2012, July). Outliers: To Drop or Not to Drop. Retrieved from The Analysis Factor:
Gun & Ammo Editors. (2018, September 5). Long Range Shooting: Understanding Extreme Spread and Standard Deviation. Retrieved from Guns & Ammo Magazine:
Hunnicutt, R. (1992, November). Ammo Good As Gold. American Rifleman.
Litz, B. (2016). Modern Advancements In Long Range Shooting: Volume 2. Cedar Springs, MI: Applied Ballistics, LLC.
Long, C. (n.d.). Group Size Statistical Analysis. Retrieved from
MacDonald, A. (2017, June 30). Practical Statistics For Shooters. Retrieved from Blog:
MacDonald, A. (2017, May 31). Thinking Statistically. Retrieved from Blog:
Molon. (2006, April 24). The Trouble with 3-Shot Groups. Retrieved from
Murphy, S. (2019, August 15). Chasing Muzzle Velocity Standard Deviation and Extreme Spread for Precision Rifle Shooting. Retrieved from RECOIL Magazine:
Quinlan, J. (2020, September 28). 2020 Modern Day Rifleman Summit Interview – Bonus Session. (C. Wojcik, Interviewer)
RocketmanOU. (n.d.). Statistics, Shooting and the Myth of the Three Shot Group. Retrieved from
Shermer, Dr. M. (December 2008). Patternicity. Scientific American.
Wheelan, C. (2014). Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company.
Winker, B. (2016, January 15). A User’s Guide To Dispersion Analysis. Retrieved from