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Home / Ammo & Handloading / Berger 7mm 180gr VLD Bullets Weight Variance

Berger 7mm 180gr VLD Bullets Weight Variance

Like most things in handloading … the more uniform one round is to the next, the more uniform ballistics you can expect.  That is why I weight sort my bullets, and for my match grade ammo I only load bullets that have exactly the same weight (+/- 1/10 grain).

I recently weight sorted a box of Berger 7mm (.284) 180 grain Match Grade VLD Hunting bullets, and here are the results:

  • Average = 179.89 grains
  • Standard Deviation = 0.085 grains
  • Extreme Spread = 0.4 grains
  • Extreme Spread as % of total weight = 0.2% (this is amazing)

Berger Bullets 7mm 180 grain VLD weight variance

Berger Bullets 7mm 180gr VLD Orange Box

Bullet: Berger Bullets 180 gr Match Grade VLD Hunting (.284)
G7 BC: 0.337
Recommended Twist: 1:9″
Mfr Part #: 28502
Lot #: 4027 (Purchased Mar 2012)

All data was gathered using a RCBS ChargeMaster 1500 Powder Scale, which is accurate to +- 1/10 grain and was calibrated immediately prior to use.

About Cal

Cal Zant is the shooter/author behind PrecisionRifleBlog.com. Cal is a life-long learner, and loves to help others get into this sport he's so passionate about. His engineering background, unique data-driven approach, and ability to present technical and complex information in a unbiased and straight-forward fashion has quickly caught the attention of the industry. For more info on Cal, check out PrecisionRifleBlog.com/About.

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  1. So what do you think of the 7LRH without the magnum head spacing off the belt and with a longer neck ? Did you consider that chambering ?

    • Wow, CR! You’ve done your homework. The 7LRH is a more obscure wildcat, but it’s a great one! The goals of my 7mm Rem Mag build was to make a capable long-range target gun and also a world-class hunting rifle. Both of those goals were accomplished by the way. But, knowing that I was going to use that as my primary hunting rifle, I was trying to weigh the benefit of the small ballistic advantage of a wildcat like the 7 LRH (or some 30 caliber magnum necked down to a 7mm) … or the added peace of mind knowing that if for whatever reason my rifle made it to Africa with me but the ammo didn’t … I’d still be able to hunt. More 7mm Rem Mag ammo is sold world-wide than any other cartridge (outside of military cartridges). So even if you’re in a small village in Alaska or Africa, if they sell ammo … there is a good chance they have 7mm Rem Mag. And really the ballistic advantage or design concepts may seem big on paper, but I’m not sure it is out in the field. I do like the idea of a longer neck and have heard lots of people criticize the belt on the 7mm Rem Mag … but it sure has performed for me. I can shoot it out to 1 mile, and it’s taken some MONSTER mule deer. But, regardless of the particular cartridge, I’m convinced a magnum firing a 7mm bullet is just about one of the best recipes you can have. It really takes a jump to the 338 to be able to outperform it with any mainstream cartridge loaded to safe pressures. There are just a ton of great 7mm bullets out there right now, and they also happen to be the ideal bullet weight for the game that I’m interested in. That means I’m not having to endure any more recoil than I need to. I’m always thinking about that.

      I will say I just found a muzzle brake that is stupid-good on my 7mm Rem Mag. I’m working on a muzzle brake field test right now, so I can’t give any of the details … but they’ll be published in about a month. It is ridiculous. Preliminary tests show it to be 40% more effective than the OPS muzzle brake I’ve been running for years. 40% MORE EFFECTIVE!!! That’s crazy talk. I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t measured it myself. So stay tuned fellow 7mm magnum shooter!!!


      • Cal
        now that the muzzle brake test is in the books, how do you like this muzzle brake? Will you tell us which one it is?

      • Sure, buddy. I’m sporting the 7mm version of the APA Fat B* brake on my 7mm Rem Mag. It’s amazing … especially compared to the OPS brake I was running on there. It made a great rifle better.


      • Cal
        After reading your muzzle brake series, I have to ask. The lttle B had better marks, do you feel that the Fat B gives better results on a 7mm? The reason I am asking is I am running a 7rsaum 180 hybrid handload. Did you get to try them both on your 7mm?

        thanks again


        PS keep up the great work, looking forward to reading more soon 😀

      • I did, Bob. And yes … I think the Fat B produces better results on magnums. That is what I’m personally running on my 7mm Rem Mag. It really tames the recoil. I do wish they had ports in the top to help offset muzzle rise. I’ve thought about drilling holes in it myself, but haven’t done it yet. I don’t really have the equipment you’d need to do a nice job of that, so I may not try it. But it is a really nice brake on a 7 mag, and what I’m currently running on mine.


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